Saturday, July 25, 2020

Reddit troll unitythememe via /r/censorship under investigation

It's widely known that Reddit is infested with anti-American trolls. The latest one to be sent out for investigation is this loser. u/unitythememe Preliminary research has revealed u/unitythememe this punk has a long history of spreading anti-American. Dr Bear and PFA are aware of u/unitythememe and have classified him as a B-level troll. His criminal background will be will on the "other site". Antifa is aware. NSA to be contacted.

Status: Under Investigation

We ask for our readers' assistance.

Defend yourself in the comment section unitythememe.

1 comment:

If you support Trump you deserve cancer.

Democracies Worldwide Should Execute Trump Trolls and Putin Trolls

 Trump trolls and Putin trolls are committing espionage and therefore they can be treated as spies and executed under the law. When the spre...