Thursday, January 13, 2022

In The Meantime While Everyone Is Hating Trump

1.  The Medical Mafia is allowed to run wild.

2. The American criminal justice system remains a for profit industry as police, prosecutors and judges enjoy qualified immunity.

3. The  Medical Mafia is price gouging more than ever.

4. The leading cause of preventable death and injury in the US remains its health care system.

5. The disparity in wealth remains.

6. Your iPhone and overpriced Apple computer is still being made with slave and child labor.

7. The planet becomes a bigger cesspool everyday.

8. Putin is still alive.

9. The Bible Belt is still a shithole full of waddling gluttons and whores.

10. Corporatism/Fascism is still the governing philosophy of the US and we are descending into a kleptocracy.

11. Filthy Florida and Texas are still part of the US. 

12. The global Medical Mafia has increased it's gain of function activities in order to create something even more deadly than COVID-19 and use it to extort its victims.

13. None of the right wing criminal elite who caused the insurrection will ever be brought to justice in this media/political dog and pony show.

14. The US still leads the developed world in infant mortality.

15. The US still leads the developed world in maternal mortality.

Okay lemming let's continue to whine about Trump so that we can all feel self righteous and pious while the world burns. Let's ignore the fact that the depravity that put him into power has existed for decades. Let's delude ourselves into thinking that the MAGAts are merely victims of a smooth talking grifter and someday they will be "woke". The hard truth is, the MAGA mob does not need Trump, any slick and evil carnival barker will do. 

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If you support Trump you deserve cancer.

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