Friday, December 3, 2021

How To Have A Good Country

1. Confiscate all the ill gotten gains of the filthy rich and if the filthy rich resist take it by force.

Most of the wealth in the US is owned by the filthy rich and contrary to what they want you to think, the filthy rich didn't get rich through ethical business doings and hard work. Neither can you. Wealth is power.

2. Cleanse the gene pool of all undesirable DNA. Nature has more to do with human behavior than nurture. 

Consider most Trumpers aka MAGAts aka Trumpanzees. They didn't vote for Trump because they believed his lies. He didn't trick them. They believed in Trump's treason, bigotry and depravity. He was merely saying everything they were thinking.

3. Punish all traitors. Spay and Neuter them.

We can't have these scumbags reproducing. Chances are their offspring will be as evil as they are. A traitor would fuck and pimp his own daughter. Just like Trump does.

4. Punish all liars.  Spay and Neuter them.

We have tolerated lying liars for far too long. We have legalized lying under the guise of free speech long enough. Lying is not protected speech. When that criminal cocksucker Mark Zuckerberg said he was not going to be the arbitrator of speech he was being a weasel. Saying something that is untrue isn't always a lie, but when some scumbag knows some if untrue but wants people to believe and says it anyway, that person is a lying liar and deserve an entire can of drain cleaner poured down his throat.

5. Nationalize medicine and develop cures instead of  managing disease for profit.

As you know, health care in the United State is horribly bad and obscenely expensive. There hasn't been a cure since the cure for polio because disease management is what rakes in the money. 

6. Ban the Abrahamic religions.

Don't deny it. The god of the Bible and the Koran is a dirty no good bastard. If you don't believe me simply read the Bible or the Koran. Some people have said that God is the most evil character in all of fiction. Whether God is real or a myth is not the point. Real or fictional God is evil and most Americans, assholes that they are, will say that God is live. God sucks!

7. Embrace science and technology.

While religion is the quest for ignorance, science is the quest for knowledge. God wanted to keep Adam and Eve ignorant and when they ate from the tree of knowledge it pissed God off and as a result he punished all humanity for what Adam and Eve did even though their act was not a crime.

God created disease and up until recently man would try to eradicate disease. Excuse me while I take a shit. This one I'll name God before a flush in so that it can be with all the other turds. 

Related:Science Proves Rich People Are Generally Evil

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