Tuesday, December 28, 2021

How To Clown Trumpanzees using Poe's Law

Trump's mob are filthy liar and lie spreaders, that's a given. Trump's mob is also stupid, that's also a given and stupid people repeat stupid things. Trump and his mob are immune to facts and truth. Lying and shit talk is all they know. We can beat them at their own game by mocking them and their bullshit unmercifully. 

Here are a few examples.

1. Trump has claimed that he is the Chosen One. We can do a lot with this one. While pretending to be a MAGAt we can tell other MAGAts that Trump was indeed chosen by God to save the world and that he is indeed the TRUE Messiah.

Does Trump really think he was ordained by God to save the world? Yes he does. Trump is a grandiose narcissist and narcissists believe and things like that.  

In a recent interview with that lying whore Candace Owens Trump claimed to be instrumental in creating the 3 vaccines. 

2. Donald Jr suggests Trump's blood is the cure. 

3.The Wall Is Complete, Mexico Paid For It. They Just Don't Know It.

When it came to the wall Trump knew several things. He knew it would not stop incursions into the US and he knew there was no way to get Mexico to pay for it. He also knew that most incursions into the US were not by Mexicans but by South Americans.  

The narrative can be, Trump completed the wall, Mexico paid for it and it stopped illegal immigration cold. We know it didn't get built as Trump promised and that there was actually a surge in border crossings.

4. Alternative Facts

5. Trump's Admiration for Hitler and Other Murderous Despots

MGGAt narratives can go something like this:

1. The Nazi Holocaust was a hoax concocted by the Jews.

2. Hitler had a lot of good ideas and that is why Donald admired him so much.

3. Let's be honest, White people really are superior.

4. Mein Kampf is a great read.

6. Trump''s Overt Racism

MAGAt Narratives:

1. He's right niggers really are lazy.

2. Bring back slavery and then they'll have to work.

7. Trump Called American War Dead Sucker and Losers 

MAGAt Narratives:

1. If would be a crime to send a brilliant man like Trump to Vietnam  I'm glad he faked have bone spurs. 

2. He's right, only suckers and losers join the military and besides, Trump knows more than the US Generals.

Trump's Vile Trashing of John McCain

MAGAt Narratives:

I didn't think so before but Trump's right about people in the military, they really are losers and suckers, especially John McCain.

John McCain was a commie!

Everything about John McCain's capture and torture was fake news by the liberal socialist media. He was pampered at the Hanoi Hilton that commie bastard.

I'll be posting more ways to troll Trump's trolls. In the meantime, engage them on social media and pretend to be one of them while posting stuff that makes them cringe and fight among themselves.

Here's a growing list of Trump's Traitorous Twitter Trolls for you to fuck with.





































































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