It has now come to light that Pfizer's vaccine is only 20% effective after 4 months. In a Connecticut study it was found that out of 13 deaths from breakthrough infection, 12 of the victims were given Pfizer.
Like J&J, Pfizer is a major corporate gangster with a lot of blood on it's hands. The knowingly sold contaminated acid blocker for decades and people got cancer and died. J&J is even more sinister.
Academic types often say a lot of fact free BS and it's clear that academia is mobbed up with big pharma.
Fauci and Birx are weak. When Trump was running his ignorant lie hole they should have shoved him out of the way, grabbed his mic and told the truth. They didn't.
The American Medical Industrial Complex is so corrupt that it would make Hitler cringe. Hospital acquired infections, adverse drug reactions, medical devices, and iatrogenic deaths kill more Americans than covid. See if you can wrap your brain around this. What a greater threat to Americans, the Medical Mafia or the H1N1 virus? Pick one.
Before vaccines were available the media, WHO, FDA and the CDC were running their lie holes, withholding information and feigning ignorance. They pretended not to know how far a cough or sneeze would travel. They did not tell Americans the value of having proper levels of zinc and vitamin D. I suspect that like everything else is this corporate run dystopia, the Medical Mafia saw healthy Americans as a threat to their obscene profits. They knew that not only would proper zinc and vitamin D levels prevent deaths and hospitalizations, they know knew that proper levels prevent other very profitable illnesses.
They feigned ignorance early on about masks. They knew that masks prevented the spread of pathogens. They knew this from Japan. If you compare the deaths and infections in Japan which has a very high population density to shit hole Texas it's stunning. Japan never did a lock down.
The Scandinavian countries fortify their food with vitamin D. Sweden had less deaths per million than the US. Sweden has a higher population density than the USA.
I did my research on the 3 vaccines Americans are allowed to have. I choose Moderna because of the extensive criminal past of Pfizer and J&J. If I and the rest of the peasants were given a choice, I would have gone with Oxford Astra Zenica because they are not mobbed up with the depraved corporate criminal elite.
Only a stupid asshole would buy anything from Pfizer if they knew of Pfizer's extensive criminal past. Only someone worse than a Nazi would say anything good about Pfizer.
So media, knowing what you know now, do you have the courage and integrity to tell the truth about Pfizer and J&J?
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If you support Trump you deserve cancer.