Andrew is an arrogant guy but there are far worse than him. I'd love to give him some man training.
If I were on a jury and knowing that I've heard, I'd vote him not guilty. Here's why. A female state trooper claimed unlawful touching. I have to call BULLSHIT for several reasons.
My mother would be over 100 years old today. I knew her and her cronies well. Had some guy put his hands on her, he'd have gotten a knee in his balls or a fist in the face. Her bridige club ladies would have done the same or their husbands or brothers would have done their man business and gotten some DIY justice.
Sounds to me like the state trooper is the criminal. She claims that he "criminally' touched her yet she didn't arrest him not did he even tell her superiors. She's guilty of dereliction of duty for certain. She's maybe guilty of making false allegations.
Andrew is an ass but I think he was an OK governor. He probably made some enemies. Just like there is no way to trump the race card because it is so high and wild the #MeToo card could be becoming that way. DO you remember the shit some whore put William Kennedy Smith through? Do you remember scumbag Mike Nyfong and the Duke rape scandal?
Had Andrew assaulted one of my female loved ones, they would have told me and I would have done something about it. It called taking care of one's man business. A state trooper has a lot of back up. If Andrew did what this woman is claiming, there is no legal reason for why he wasn't arrested.
I'd like to sit Andrew down along with his accusers and give them all lie detector tests publicly. I would ask them all to sign a contract agreeing if they failed they would donate 50% of their income to some worthy charity for as long as they lived. If Andrew failed he would be given "testicular impact therapy" administered by all his victims. Sound fair?
This needs to be resolved because all the muck raking trash media who are slaves to their politics, greed and power will continue to spread their poison in order to appeal to the other assholes who like filth and scandal and that vile Nancy Grace muck.
The difference between people like me and most political types is that I don't give a damn who the truth offends. The only politicians I know who have guts are AOC and Bernie.
How Many Rape Accusations are False? - John Davis BA JD LLM
These conclusions, based upon the admissions of the accusers, that 40–60% of rape accusations were false, has been relentlessly protested by the feminist media and narratives. Nevertheless, they remain as the only credible scientific studies done on the phenomenon of false accusations of rape.
8 Incredible False Rape Accusation Statistics - HRF
1. It is more common for men and women to not seek the aid of law enforcement agencies in the event of a legitimate rape but it is far more common for false accusations to be reported. 2. According to the FBI, between 1.5% and 8% of rape accusations were later found to be false. 3.
False Sex Crime Allegations [STATISTICS]: Rape Claims That ...
According to extensive studies compiled in a Symposium on False Allegations of Rape and published by the Violence Against Women organization, the rate of false rape claims ranges from 2.1 percent to 10.9 percent, or roughly up to 1 in every 10 cases.
You’ll Be Shocked At Percent Of Rape Accusations That Are ...
RADAR: About Half of Rape Allegations are False, Research ...
If all three reviewers deemed the allegation was false, it was categorized as false. As a result, 60% of all allegations were found to be false. 1 Of those women who later recanted, many didn't admit the allegation was false until just before taking a polygraph test.
False accusation of rape - Wikipedia
Approximately 3% of the false rape allegations were identified as malicious (determined to be intentionally false). When it came to cases with grievous bodily harm (GBH), even the broader definition (no evidence, delayed report, retraction, or intoxicated …
The truth about false assault accusations by women - BBC News
False Rape Accusations: How Common Are They?
False Rape Accusations Statistics. According to Vox, researchers have come to a consensus about the real statistics for false rape allegations. It’s between 2 and 8%. In fact, ⅔ of all rapes are not even reported. Even after that number, only a small fraction of rapists will see jail time for their crimes.
False Accusations of Rape | National Coalition For Men (NCFM)
If you read the actual report that you have linked, the report does not say that. What the report says is boilerplate language (in all FBI statistic reports on rape) that “Law enforcement determines that 8% of accusations of rape are false.”. That doesn’t mean the other 92% of rape accusations are true.
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