Tuesday, October 26, 2021

Punishment for Thieves and Liars

 The punishments are brutal and final and because Islam is evil a lot of innocent people will be unfairly killed and maimed by those savages but still amputating the hand of thieves and cutting out the tongues of liars would certainly make the world a better place.

Imagine how the world would be if  the filthy rich and their errand boys within the US government were to have their hands cut off and their tongues cut out. That would be a deterrent. How unreasonable is it really? We chemically castrate rapists and pedophiles even though actual castration would be more humane. 

Thieves and liars do perhaps even more damage to the world than rapists. Many rapists get caught and punished but the biggest thieves and liars rarely suffer the consequences of their behavior. Trump has lied and stolen his ass off all his life and was reward for it and now that were are in the post truth era the filthy rich don't think twice about lying and stealing. 

Think about how satisfying it would be to take a thief like Trump and chop his tiny money grubbing hands off with a dull hatchet. Think of the thousands of people who were swindled by Trump and imagine how their lives would be now had they not been victims of theft. While is may sound barbaric, cutting off the hands of thieves would improve the lives of people everywhere. 

The United States was lied into the second Gulf War and lied into Vietnam e.g. Gulf of Tonkin false flag.  The loss of life and suffering was immeasurable but human life is cheap and the profits of the military industrial complex are what really matters especially now in the post truth greed is good era. 

No more Mister Nice Guy

There is not good in everyone, A lot of homo-sapiens are simply no damn good. Allowing the to go unpunished is as barbaric as their evil deeds. In the post truth and greed era victims rarely receive justice because the filthy rich corporate criminal elite are above the law. The peasants will never get a fair shake so long as liars, thieves and whores own all the power..

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