Friday, January 8, 2021

Dealing With MAGAts, Terrorists and Traitors

Mike Mercury,  


The MAGAt attack on the US Capitol is just the beginning. This attack has inspired them to recruit and do more.  The depravity of these animals to praise Hitler is the same depravity the allows them to call the Confederacy and its treason and slavery heritage.  I read an article about German POWs in US POW camps. About 7% were Waffen SS and they were still as rabid as they were in the beginning of the war. The rest of the POWs quickly realized that all the lies the Nazis told them were lies. I would bet that the Waffen SS knew that as well but they were do depraved that they pretended to believe the lies. Did the Waffen SS training make them depraved? Probably not.  Did Trump's lies make the MAGAts depraved? No way. Does right wing media make MAGAts depraved. Probably not. Does ignorance alone make them depraved? Probably not. Did Trump create them. Probably not. 

If you remember when the parties picked their candidates in 2016 the two Republican favorites were Cruz and Trump and when the primaries were over the GOP base chose the worst of the worst.  Why? My theory is, Trump is everything they are and everything they aspire to be. 

I think this country is screwed unless we do a Nuremberg on a large scale. A lot of Nazis were killed and executed but not nearly enough. My father served with the 63rd in WW-2. Members of the 63rd liberated some of the death camps. I don't know if my father there. He didn't talk much about his time in Germany. He talked mostly about North Africa, France and Italy.  He did have war trophies from Germany. I don't think it bothered him to kill Germans. He talked a little about people who he interrogated and how they all denied being Nazis. 

The difference between the Germans and the MAGAt is a lot of Germans were tricked by Hitler. He had taken over the news media and he was a lot smarter than Trump and when you take into account the economic shape Germany was in, it makes more sense as to what happened. MAGAts are even more depraved than Nazis and I think the US has a higher percentage of them that Germany had and I think MAGAt/Nazis are even more dangerous and depraved that their German counter parts.

My father was a member of the Dutch Reformed Church. They are Calvinists. John Brown was a Calvinist. Calvinism teaches predestination.  I guess he believed that some people are simply no damn good and beyond redemption.  John Brown tried to peacefully end slavery until he realized it was futile. Then he tried the only logical thing.  No we have the Battle Hymn of The Republic to honor him.

I don't think MAGAts are capable of anything but depravity.  I don't think they are capable of normal thinking and I don't they can be reached on a human level.  Do you? I think that the only reason some of them are law abiding is because they fear the consequence of law breaking. I think the only way to keep them in check is by fear.  Robespierre would agree. 

Pressure the US Justice Department to punish them severely.

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