Monday, August 31, 2020

Trrump's Flying Twitter Monkeys

See the source image

@j_Borders  @CongressmanJVD @NRA @DonaldJTrumpJr @EricTrump
Moscow Mitch ---> @SenateMajLdr @DevinNunes @Jim_Jordan  @IvankaTrump @AGWillliamBarr @BetsyDeVos @KellyAnnConnway  @SarahHuckabee @GovMikeHuckabee @DanScavino @TeamTrump @kayleighmcenany @GOP
 Corey R. Lewandowski @CLewandowski_ @EliseStefanik 

@RealBenCarson @SecretaryCarson 

@KatrinaPierson Team Trump Senior Advisor
One America News Propaganda @OANN 

@DineshDSouza  @mattgaetz @RepMattGaetz
Jeanine Pirro @JudgeJeanine @Jim_Jordan Two Trump Whores @DiamondandSilk
@RandPaul @Jim_Jordan @ProudNavyMom @jperky1956  @avi29nash

@MacNutt77 @ShielaHammond4 @replouiegohmert @eichstadt_janie <---- enemy

This is an enemies list.Trump supporters are NOT our opponents. They are the enemies of truth, morals, democracy and logic. They are the embodiment of the 7 deadly sins. Whenever possible tweet things to them that you know will anger them. Light & Truth is toxic to them.

Bury them in TRUTH!.

Don't even try to reason with them.

Call them out for the slime that they are.

Flag their comments and report their propaganda to whatever social media platform they're on and report them to the NSA

Troll them.

Frustrate them.

Insult them.

Break them!

Accuse them of being Russian trolls and anti-American by saying things such as:

1. Your IP address is coming from Russia, we have CIA agents there.

2. Your lies are treason. The penalty for treason is capital punishment.

3. Can you name even one of the ten commandments Trump hasn't broken?

4. Can you name even one Christian quality Trump has? You must be a Russian.

5. Trump and Putin are just using you fool.

6. Keep flying the Confederate flag. It will make you easier to find.

7. Your lies for are not going work out like you think they will.

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If you support Trump you deserve cancer.

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