Tuesday, August 4, 2020

Crazy/Stupid/Depraved. Republican Asshole of the Day: Ronny Jackson Proves That Sane Moral Republican Are Extinct

Crazy/Stupid Republican of the Day: Ronny Jackson

Dr. Ronny "The Candyman" Jackson, former White House physician accused of being drunk on duty, is the GOP Primary winner for Texas' 13th Congressional District in the 2020 Elections.

Welcome to what is the 898th original profile here at “Crazy/Stupid Republican of the Day”, where we’ll be discussing the Ronny Jackson, the former White House Physician and Navy rear admiral who is a 2020 candidate to try and be the next U.S. House Representative from Texas’ 13th Congressional District. We feel the need to remind everyone that this would be the same Ronny Jackson who gave a glowing review of Donald Trump’s health after taking office, even though he is visibly overweightrefuses to walk anywhere that he can’t ride on a golf cart, allegedly snorts crushed up Adderall to focuscan’t hold up a glass of water with one hand, eats nothing but hamberders and KFC, and himself had a plan to trick Trump into eating cauliflower by the cooks at the White House who mix it in with mashed potatoes. To say nothing of his administration of a test of Trump’s mental faculties and coming out to act like he was the pinnacle of intelligence because he successfully identified a camel. Ronny Jackson expects us to believe THAT guy is in perfect health, and not to believe our own lying eyes.

But then again, we’re talking about the same Ronny Jackson who throughout his tenure as White House Physician, who nicknamed “The Candyman” because of his willingness to sign off on any and all prescriptions for staffers, allegedly walking down the aisle of Air Force One at points to hand out pills to all the passengers. Oh, and he was also allegedly drunk. A lot. Per one account, he was so intoxicated on one occasion during the Obama administration that aides could not wake him, allegedly had at least one accident attributed to driving while drunk, and that he has an explosive temper that creates a toxic work environment for his subordinates.

These rumors are why it was believed that after Donald Trump decided to reward Jackson for speaking in such over-the-top glowing terms about his health with a nomination to run the Department of Veterans’ Affairs (even though Jackson has never worked in public health, whatsoever, and is highly unqualified), that Ronny Jackson backed off his own nomination. Which made sense, considering the votes to confirm him weren’t there. And… think about that. The Senate confirmed Betsy DeVos to be Secretary of Education on a tiebreaker vote… but they didn’t think Ronny Jackson had a prayer of getting nominated and being able to do the job.

Anyway, Jackson still was willing to toady for Donald Trump, and rather than get a Cabinet post, instead opted to run for Congress in Texas’ 13th District, which the Cook Partisan Voting Index has listed as a +33 Republican lean on it. After endorsing Donald Trump’s stupid idea for a border wall, he narrowly won the GOP nomination with 55% of the vote, and is now is likely to coast to victory to take his drunken, temperamental act to the Capitol, where we’re sure he’ll never be the cause of any further embarrassment for the Republican Party. Nope, no way a propagandist with a drinking problem and is an amateur drug dealer could ever make headlines again…

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