Monday, July 20, 2020

"Psychic" Predicts: Putin Dead Soon

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While his may not sound supernatural do to the fact that millions of people want Putin dead, Putin will die of apparent natural causes. This will happen around December of 2020 or January of 2021 and there is no stopping it. It could be a hit but it will look like natural causes. Everything Putin fears is inside of him already. Currently Putin has AIDS due to his lust for gay sex. That will not be what kills him.

As most of our readers know, nearly all psychics are fake but there are some people trained in astral projection involved with the Human Consciousness Project who can see the outcomes of events based on he flow of time lines. I this current timeline Putin will be dead. In other timelines he died of gunshot wounds or never maintained his dictatorship. Putin exists in more nearly 200 timelines and he's a raging homosexual in all of them.

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