Friday, July 31, 2020

COVID-19 A Blessing In Diguise

Not locking down the entire country is like saying, "You can piss in this part of the pool but you can't piss in that part of the pool." It's nuts. IMO,  a lot of blame goes on individuals who whine like pathetic babies about their perceived rights while having no regard for the rights of others. This is typical of righties. Albert Ellis, the father of  rational emotive therapy was wrong when he said people are neither good or bad, they just do bad things because they are neurotic. IMO the Trumpanzees aren't any more neurotic than actual humans, they are by nature mentally deficient and morally depraved the same as any other Nazi. I am willing to stay hunkered down for another year if millions of  Trump's lemmings march into the COVID-19 meat grinder. 

Right now I'm not in the mood for a romantic comedy. I'm more inclined to binge watch Death Wish and Inglorious Basterds  If I saw a truck with a confederate battle flag I would have a strong urge to confront the driver, pepper spay him and lay the boots to him. In all rational honesty, if  Nazi punching were legal and the spaying and neutering of Nazi types and other amoral sub-human predators predisposed for fuckery, humanity's gene pool would be in good stead for they survival and advancement of the human race. President Lincoln missed the opportunity to cleanse the American gene pool of they morally defective European stock that settled in the South. He would have been justified in executing all the traitors who went to war with the United States. Sadly, that didn't happen.

By every measure the Bible Belt/Klanistan/Trump World has the most depravity. Luckily it has the lowest life expectancy. It has the lowest collective IQ. It has the most poverty, and violent crime. It has the highest divorce rates and highest rate of teen pregnancy along with the most sloth and gluttony. COVID will act as a selecting agent by infecting the morally weak, the selfish and irresponsible ones, most of whom are Republicans. While that is happening, good people must remain vigilant while keeping the MAGAts believing COVID is the latest "Democrat hoax" and a vaccine is a plot by Bill Gates to implant micro chips in people. Keep the MAGAts believing that JEEEEZUZ will protect them but in case Jesus is busy with his NRA and KKK business to be safe they should drink their daily dose of Clorox.

MAGAts are blissfully ignorant and morally depraved and nothing is going to change that so why not provide them with a road leading to their demise?

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