Tuesday, June 16, 2020

Trump Rallies and COVID-19

I came across an editorial regarding the Trump rally in Tulsa. What I am about to say will be very unpopular and too daring for a mainstream media outlet to publish. 

See the source image

I think the Trump rallies should proceed as scheduled and here's why: 

1. It probably will go on regardless of what sane moral responsible people think.

2. Sane, moral and responsible people will employ counter measures against the virus while the type of people who back Trump won't.

3. The COVID-19 spikes are happening in Trump Country. 

4. Trump's disciples are immune to morals, truth an logic and they are indirectly  responsible for the fact that the US has more COVID-19 deaths than any other country. More than 25% of the world COVID-19 cases are in the US inspite of the fact the US has 4% of world's population. Trump's disciple are immune to logic and morals, but they are not immune to this virus.

5. Herd immunity in lieu of a vaccine is the only way to prevent death and illness. A 60 - 70 percent herd immunity will be enough to end the epidemic and make it endemic. Trump disciple make up 42% of the total population higher in Trump country. This could go a long way to increasing herd immunity and culling undesirable members.

6. Due to their vulgar lifestyles and less than optimal health, Trump disciples are at greater risk of contracted COVID-19 and dying from its co-morbidities. 

7. When Trump is running his lie hole at a MAGAt rally he's less likely to do damage to the country

I think it is time to acknowledge some inconvenient truths about the nature of some humans and the difference between good people and  people. When it came time in 2016 for the GOP to pick its candidates, there were moral and competent conservatives available but when it came time to pick their candidate the settled on the least competent and most depraved one of the bunch.

The words and the actions of  Trump disciples further confirm their depravity. They cheered Trump's misogyny, his cruelty and ignored his lies, infidelity, cowardice, greed, and bullying. Unlike Hitler, Trump came to power with people knowing fully and exactly for what he was. Now they are even more aware of what he is. My dad used to say, "The lord takes care of fools and drunks." but in the case of Trump's disciples, I don't think they have been fooled like some people would like to believe. It has gotten to the point where no decent moral Republicans such as John McCain, John Kasich or Jeff Flake stand a chance of being nominees due to the depravity of the GOP base. They would prefer a pedophile over a competent non Republican.

The debate as to whether their depravity is a product of nature or nurture has been settled with science.  It's nature.

The fact remains, a lot more people will become infected and a lot will die from COVID-19. It would be best if most of the deaths are the deaths of undesirables. Let the lemmings walk off the cliff. Why stop them? To do so would not be prudent.

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