Friday, May 29, 2020

Trump Supporting Reddit Troll EwwYetiPubes

Social media is infested with liars and trolls. One of them has fucked with one of our readers. We have decided to invite this troll here to debate one of our readers. Let's see if the liar has the sack to debate on a site that doesn't censor or close threads. What say you EwwYetiPubes, are you going to man up or are you going to be the weasel troll you really are?


  1. Do you have a link to his account?

  2. This is him.

  3. Cool. I let fat bastard know and he'll put his crew on it. He's got the skill set.

  4. He goes by several names. He's a registered sex offender.

    1. El has some great tracking software. He works for a huge online tracking company. He'll have lots more names and locations soon.

    2. I installed the app he sent my and Dr Bear and Fat Bastard have the data.

  5. The assholes banned me. LOL! FB has a treasure trove of data. His people are working on a plan. Was he was the first person to sue wikipedia for their out of control editors?

    1. I don't think it was him. It was some Asian guy. I think Fat Bastard got him the lawyer. I heard that a couple people lost their jobs. He did sue some feminist shills for defamation and the settled out of court.

    2. Evil, I've sent FB some names and he'll send them to you. Dr Bear is a card carrying member of the ACLU. He teaches contract law. That may be the basis of a class action lawsuit against Facebook and twitter.

      Zuckerberg is shitting his pants because some of his people have become whistle blowers. Jack Dorsey sees the writing on the wall and he's stopping some of the lying and some of the censorship. Zuckerberg probably is being extorted by Russia. They have dirt on all of our oligarchs. Zuckerberg looks like a pedophile.

    3. I think you are right about Zuckerberg. When Trump is gone Zuckerberg will be in deep shit.

  6. Any information outlet that sets limits on speech and creates vague rules governing speech is a type of intellectual fascism. Propagandists on Reddit like all propagandist have a dangerous disregard for the truth. When they create highly subjective rules for their discussion groups the honesty and true intent of those groups become becomes highly questionable. 

    Reddit is a propaganda platform and that's about all it is. Mark Zuckerberg made the statement that he is not the arbitrator of truth. Mark Zuckerberg would not know truth if it bit him on his ass. Mark Twain said, "A lie goes half way around the world while the truth is still putting on its shoes." 

    Jack Dorsey probably didn't want to fact check Trump but I suppose he sees a regime change coming and doesn't want to be hauled in front of congress and get his ego bruised.

    Reddit need rules and not bullshit rules. The rules should be clear, objective and precise. Now on many of the forums the rules are vague for the purpose of censoring unpopular speech and Reddit knows this and allows it from the moderators/propagandists/censors. 
    There should be two primary rules: No lying and No death threats. Currently lying is allowed on Reddit and all social media. I hope to see that change. 

    Reddit needs an enema to flush out the liars and the propagandists and here's why. A great big giant lie got the US into the 2nd Gulf War that resulted in the deaths of 1 million people in the Middle East. Another pack of lies is responsible for the deaths of 104,000 Americans and counting because lies and liars on social media helped to elect a madman who lied about the virus.

    I hope that social media cleans up it's act and hires fact checkers and punishes liars and traitors by doxxing them. I get it that social media is run by, for lack of a better term, greedy amoral corporate assholes but don't you think if there were policies that forbid lying those platforms would become the most popular and profitable? I do. So here's the question, Why does Reddit allow liars and lying and dishonest moderators on it's platform?

    1. We don't censor unless its referrer spam or porn. We doxx liars. Since we get around 2000 clicks a day and 12,000 impressions we are able to do this. Really big platforms may not have the resources to do that and that is why I agree that lying should not be allowed and this is why we refer liars to experts for further investigation. At that point I am out of the loop. When we receive death threats from MAGAts we refer the MAGAts to law enforcement.

  7. Zuckerberg said he is not the arbitrator of truth. That's understandable since Zuckerberg is a liar. With social media being used to spread disinformation somebody needs to be the arbitrator of the truth. Lawyer get so bogged down their industry's bullshit that they tend to forget what a lie is. Just so you know, a lie is something you know is untrue but you say it anyway. 

    Lies are more dangerous things than facts are stubborn things. Like other social media platforms Reddit is being used mostly for propaganda purposes. Propagandists have their subreddits where they set  vague and subjective catch-all rules so that the can ban speech that goes against their agendas. Just like power tripping corrupt police use vague laws such as obstruction, disturbing the peace, and disorderly conduct to arrest people they don't like the propagandists start subreddits and use words like harassment, aggressive and troll to remove speech that they don't like. If you can't see how wrong and dangerous that is then your moral compass is broken.

    Mark Twain said that a lie can travel halfway around the world before the truth can put its shoes on. A lie led to the US attacking Iraq and the deaths of maybe 1 million people. Lies are why the US has Trump and more COVID19 cases in the US that any other country.
    Social media has become anarchy. 

    Lying is not protected speech but calling someone an asshole is. On reddt, lying is allowed but calling an asshole an asshole is a punishable offence. Reddit since it is on the internet is not private like a retail business where a private owner can ask people to leave. Reddit's tentacles reach around the world and so do the lies and propaganda on it. 

    Again, lying is not protected speech but telling a cop to go fuck himself is.

    As you know, Twitter bans people for bullshit reasons while allowing Trump, his family of whores and the other liars in Washington lie and beak rules with immunity. If I were to go on Twitter and tell Kellyanne Conway that in my Constitutionally she's a traitorous lying cunt (She is.) I would be banished. Twitter's banning sprees of non rule breakers are legendary.

    The question is, why is lying, censorship, vague subjective rules, dishonest moderators, Russian operatives, and propaganda allowed on Reddit and free speech isn't? 

    Jack Dorsey like Zuckerberg is a weasel and I suspect the only reason Trump is being fact checked is to appease the new regime after Trump is gone. Jack won't enforce the rules and ban Trump, and his paid liars but he will see that non rule breakers are banned and chronic liar rule breaker Trump isn't.. What a filthy coward he is. 

    The time is coming when there will be class action lawsuits against Reddit and suits filed against the subreddit weasels. To avoid that, I would advise Reddit and other social media to institute a vetting process and education process for moderators on what free speech is. Reddit needs to do away with the fascist bots as well and other forms of anonymous censorship.  Not doing so would be dumber than Eric Trump.

  8. You can get into any subreddit account with this software.

    I posted a link to this story on some hacker forums. Best of luck in outing those assholes.


If you support Trump you deserve cancer.

Democracies Worldwide Should Execute Trump Trolls and Putin Trolls

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