Friday, January 19, 2018

Will Trump Have Steve Bannon Killed?

Trump is about as slimy as slime gets. He's told in excess of 3000 lies since becoming president and he's made a lot of enemies along the was including many within his own inner circles. One of those enemies is Steve Bannon. Bannon is a snake but he is not the seasoned and savvy snake that Trump is. Steve Bannon is mostly a weasel with a big mouth and a lot of bullshit but he is one weasel that has really really pissed of Trump and if that's not bad enough, he was disloyal to Trump.  If that's not bad enough, Bannon has enough dirt on Trump to not only get him impeached and sent to prison, Bannon has enough dirt to bury the entire Trump crime family.

See the source image
Both of these two scoundrels are amoral bastards. My guess is, Trump is the most dangerous of the two. Trump is a well schooled and well seasoned snake but Bannon is just a disposable mouth-piece of the oligarchy. Monsters like Treasonous Trump eat punks like Steve Bannon for breakfast. 

Trump has little if no honor and he will do anything to save his Treasonous Trump ass. He may also try to save the Ivanaka, Donald Jr, Eric Trump and his crooked son in law Jarrod Kushner. Trump may actually try to put a hit out on Steve Bannon. I doubt if Bannon will be shot but suspect Bannon's death will look like natural causes. Bannon would be smart of go into protective custody or at least hire some good security. Donald Trump is a very dangerous man with some very dangerous people in both low and high places.

Usually with the old Mafia, if a don has a suspicion that a contract is being taken out on him, that don would order a preemptive hit to stop it. Bannon would have a tough time trying to put a hit on Trump unless he has some insiders at the Whitehouse -- perhaps a secret service agent who out of a sense of patriotism and love of country will assassinate Trump? Stranger things have happened.  Bannon could possibly buy somebody on the Trump staff but that is unlikely.

Bannon would be smart to hide even if he is in protective custody. Bannon needs to be careful of what he eats and drinks and he should have a Geiger counter to protect himself from a Putin cocktail or to check his clothes for toxic radioactive substances. A Putin cocktail is polonium. Polonium-210: Why is Po-210 so dangerous? Putin could see this as an opportunity to sink his claws even deeper into Trump and the Trump Whitehouse.


Steve Bannon knows groveling is his only hope now ...

Trump’s Chief Strategist Steve Bannon Is Scared for His ...

Related: The Criminal Mercer Family

The Mercer family has joined a growing list of Republicans that have severed ties with Breitbart Executive Editor Steve Bannon. After excerpts from Michael Wolff’s book Fire and  Fury: Inside the Trump White House were published. 

Fire and Fury by Michael Wolff - Free Audiobook, Yours to Keep

Bannon may have some other major dirt on Trump, and Bannon may have already informed people that if something happens to him, Trump was probably behind it. That could be Bannon's best shield.

Bannon Clams Up At House Intelligence Committee 

Trump told Bannon to clam up at the House Intelligence Committee hearing and that is exactly what Sloppy Steve did but Bannon's unwillingness to cooperate caused special prosecutor Robert Mueller to issue a subpoena that will force Bannon to testify before a the grand jury. Bannon won't be able to stonewall the grand jury because he won't be allowed to have a lawyer present during his testimony and he won't be allowed to invoke the fifth amendment and if he lies he gets held in contempt of court and faces fines and prison. Bannon is FUCKED and if Trump doesn't have him killed Trump will also be FUCKED! 

Paybacks are a bitch Donnie!

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