Friday, October 13, 2017

Trump's Penis Problem

Image result for trump's tiny hands meme

You know the saying, small hands mean a small penis. Trump is compensating for his small penis. Maybe we should call it Napoleon penis complex. It seem that tiny tallywhackers are common among Republicans and Trump is no exception. Along with a myriad of other problems, Trump like his counterpart in North Korea and other righties,suffers from SPS (Small Penis Syndrome)

Republicans have small penis syndrome, new statistics ranking penis ...

Image result for trump's tiny hands meme

Like a lot of far right whack jobs, Trump got gypped in the penis department. This would explain his fragile ego and his over compensation for being less than a manly man. This pathetic man/child must be hung like a chipmunk. 

 The statues, seen above in San Francisco, have caused a sensation
Personality syndrome identified by low self esteem in association with a disproportionately small penis. Symptoms include, but are not limited to, the provocation of others in argument in an effort to boost the Small Penis Syndrome (SPS) sufferer from low self esteem. SPS is easily identifiable among owners of monster trucks, men with large gun collections, misogynists and Twitter trolls. SPS sufferers often associate themselves with the American Quarter Horse (AQH) in a paradoxical display of horse penis envy. There is no known cure for SPS, however, ignoring those afflicted with the syndrome will make them angry and depressed and hopefully suicidal.
Just ignore the troll. He has Small Penis Syndrome and is just attempting to boost his self esteem by provoking and attacking others.

1 comment:

If you support Trump you deserve cancer.

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